quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2008

Neste trabalho eu quiz desbravar um pouco deste estado não muito destacado hoje em dia.
Muitas pessoas o conhecem por haver muita mortalidade infantil, seca, pobreza, etc.
Mais são poucos que conhecem as belezas naturais desta incrível região.


Quit my job with a wonderful view from the point of entry of this region most amazing little known unfortunately

A tourist point ...
"The union of students"
much visited by tourists

A place little known by most people that deserves to be discovered.
A wonderful landscape.
A natural landscape of Rio Tocantins!

This is the bridge over the Rio Tocantins.
Most of the state.
It is one of the main sights of the region.
This is the edge that is the side of the Rio Tocantins.
Many people from other places visit this place.
In this place waiters serving typical foods of the region.

This food is made with macaroni, rattle, and tomato sauce and plenty pepper!
Much appreciated in this region.

This is a tasty cookie called "Perfect Love," many people say that melts in your mouth when you eat cotton-candy appears.

This food is good taste by the inhabitants of Tocantins, it is a very strong and is based on Mexican food.
They use a lot of pepper in food.

The cuisine is varied tastes, with the most well marked and spicy.
They make heavy use of the food from there, seafood, fish, squid etc.

This band is very successful in the state.
The band is called "band Molec cash."
And has the same musical genre of Calypso band.

Miss Wyoming, Kelly Aquino.
She was among 15 of the competition.

This bus station, the oldest of Tocantins is also used as a tourist item.

Many families use this power to stop around the city in dependencies.

This shows the map of Brazil is located and where the state of Tocantins.
He is among the states of Mato Grosso, Bahia, Para, Maranhao, Goias and Piaui.

POPULATION: 1,157,098 (2000).

Population: tocantinense.

MAJOR RIVERS: Wyoming, Araguaia of Sleep, the Balsas, Paranã.

AREA (sq. km): 278420.7

This is the banner of Tocantins.

LOCATION: Tocantins, Brazilian state, is in the southeastern region of North.

CLIMATE: tropical.

CAPITAL: Palmas, fundada em: 1/1/1990.

Imagens dos ambientes naturais de Tocantins.

This is the escutcheon of the state of Tocantins.